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The Ruth Group » Iran vs. Apocalyptic Christians

Monday, October 9, 2006

Iran vs. Apocalyptic Christians

Filed under: FrontPage | Religion | Iran | Nuclear — by Will Kirkland @ 7:16 am

Chris Hedges, the long time war reporter for the NY Times and recent author of War is A Force that Gives Us Meaning, has gone off the deep-end. Perhaps it’s because the deep-end is reality. As I’ve said before, the deployment of the Eisenhower Carrier group to the Middle East does not by itself show us anything: it is a continuation of the status-quo — not that that’s good, just that it’s not new. Hedges thinks otherwise. He has also recently been immersed in the Apocalyptic US Christian movement so he either has learned something that has scared the be-jesus out of him, or he is simply scared. In any event, you will want to read his essay.

War with Iran—a war that would unleash an apocalyptic scenario in the Middle East—is probable by the end of the Bush administration. It could begin in as little as three weeks. This administration, claiming to be anointed by a Christian God to reshape the world, and especially the Middle East, defined three states at the start of its reign as “the Axis of Evil.”

Bush’s Nuclear Apocalypse

I can’t help but think that this morning’s revelation that North Korea is claiming to have set off a nuclear weapon will not sober up the Bush Group. More likely, given the mind-set, it will inflame them. “See what happens when you aren’t decisive? Do you want this in the Middle East? Go get Iran.” I hope this isn’t true, but even the saner folks among the Bush crowd haven’t shown themselves to have much backbone, so hang on.

1 Comment »

  1. Adrian Bolden:

    Does anyone else actually feel the decline of the United States into decadence and political corruption so deep that it is going to be the destruction of the country that stood for somehting so right? Does anyone else see that Iran is testing us to see the resolve of the world and the U.S. before it makes it’s move into claiming by direct and indirect force the entire middle east and the rest of the world will be absolutely terrified and disgustingly chicken$#!T to do anything about it leaving us to defend the world from all forms of evil as it has since our inception while slowly bleeding the only country keeping the sanity in this world while slowly losing it’s own? Does anyone else actually belive it’s not a matter of if, but when? Does anyone actually believe in the End of days and the fact that it’s happening right in front of our very eyes and will be here within our lifetime, or is it just a talking point to debate and argue to pass the time? Maybe it’s just me. Maybe I’m just crazy.

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In Dante’s Hell those guilty of the sin of cupidity are in the ninth circle, frozen in the Lake of Ice. Having cared for nothing but self in life, they are encased in icy Self for eternity. By making people focus only on oneself in this way, Satan and his followers turn their eyes away from the harmony of love that unites all creatures.

Philip Zimbardo
The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil